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TPMS Delete

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 7:52 am
by Romanoaf
*offroad use

This was actually easier than anticipated. You will need software to run a proxi alignment.
The hardest part was finding where the module lived. There is an option to set TPMS to "not present" in MES, but it will not remove the dash warning with the module in place.

Before you start, if you do have TPMS sensors on a set of wheels that you'd like to retain for future use, it'd be a good idea to record the sensor addresses while they're still installed. This can be done in MES in the TPMS adjustments.

Remove or disconnect TPMS module in rear passenger wheel well.
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In MES or similar, set TPMS to "not present"-
Run proxi alignment

I've found that byte38 in the proxi controls the module status- you are able to write it, but as soon as the module is connected your odo will blink for proxi alignment- therefore, you are not able to disconnect, run the alignment, then connect again; the module makes itself known on the CanBus once it's powered.

You'll want to waterproof the connection in the wheel well.

No more annoying dash light and warning buzzer.
DA6E263E-7B3A-4593-A10A-701EEF35D08C.jpeg (97.02 KiB) Viewed 9048 times
Easily reversible by connecting the module, setting TPMS proxi to "present" and running a proxi alignment; you may need to re-set your individual TPMS sensor addresses, but this also may be automatic (haven't tried it yet)

Re: TPMS Delete

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 8:55 am
by texanbrit
That's great info. Many thanks for sharing.

Re: TPMS Delete

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:45 am
by mr16valve
Excellent. Thank you for this!

Re: TPMS Delete

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:43 pm
by MadFiat
Nice! Thanks for sharing!

I bet AlfaOBD can be used for this also.

Re: TPMS Delete

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:02 pm
by Rael Nema
Thanks. This is the single reason I haven't put my new wheels and tires on yet. Well, that and I'm not ready to explain to the wife where I got the money from.

Can you suggest a place to get the cable?

Re: TPMS Delete

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 8:38 am
by Romanoaf
I got my adapters on eBay, and the ELM27 (v1.3) cable on amazon, I got lucky and the ELM worked out of the box. Sometimes with the cheaper ELMs you have to remove a resistor for it to work properly; however, if you’re willing to spend a little more, buy one that’s advertised for use with MES.